Resource Center
At Gassen Company, we believe that knowledge is power. That's why we've produced a comprehensive series of educational videos and blogs that cover important aspects of homeowner's associations.
Whether you're new to homeowner's associations or a long term resident, our materials offer valuable insights and best practices, from budgeting to board meeting basics.
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1 / Association Manager
Perform site inspections, attend board meetings, refer vendors for maintenance and other duties and provide service to the board of directors.
2 / Board of Directors, President
Chief Executive Officer and leader of the association. Presides at all meetings of the board and membership. Executes legal documents. Sets meeting agendas and controls all meetings. Represents the board before the residents. May have nominating, in not appointment, responsibility for all committees.
3 / Board of Directors, Vice President
Performs all of the duties of the president in his/her absence. Typically shares some of the burden of the president regarding appearances, liaison, public hearings, etc. Usually assigned liaison responsibility to specific staff or contractors, and to specific committees.
4 / Board of Directors, Secretary
Prepares and distributes board and membership meeting agendas, minutes, and materials referred to in minutes. Maintains minutes and book on all meetings. Maintains books of resolutions and all official records. Attests, by signature, to the legitimacy of certain documents.
5 / Board of Directors, Treasurer
Works with appropriate staff to develop and submit the annual operating budget for approval. Maintains adequate records of all association financial transactions and the roster of disbursement of funds, as authorized. Subject to board approval, arranges an independent audit of financial affairs and prepares period financial reports.
6 / Governing Documents
Articles of Incorporation
Rules and Regulations/Policies and Procedures
Plat Map