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Board & Homeowner Training 

Living in an HOA requires knowledge and understanding the of the many rules, regulations and terms. If you are a Gassen client, we offer complimentary board training to further understand the aspects of being on the board of directors. Not a client yet but looking to learn more about the HOA industry? Whether you are a board member or homeowner, you can scroll to watch our training videos, read informational blogs and learn about HOA-specific terms brought to you by professional experts in the industry. 

Hail Damage & Roof Replacement

Hail Damage & Roof Replacement

Addressing hail damage in Homeowners Associations (HOAs) is of paramount importance for several reasons: 1. Property Preservation: Hail damage, if left unattended, can lead to significant deterioration of the buildings and common areas within the HOA. Addressing hail damage promptly is essential to preserve the aesthetic and structural integrity of the community. 2. Property Values: Untreated hail damage can reduce the property values within the HOA. Prospective buyers are often deterred by visible damage, which can lead to lower resale prices and difficulty in selling homes within the community. 3. Safety Concerns: Hail damage can compromise the safety of residents. Damaged roofs, windows, and siding can pose safety hazards, particularly during severe weather events. Prompt repairs help mitigate these risks. 4. Legal Obligations: HOAs typically have a legal responsibility to maintain and repair common areas. Neglecting hail damage may result in legal liabilities if residents or their properties are harmed as a result of unrepaired damage. 5. Insurance Coverage: Timely repairs to hail damage can ensure that the HOA's insurance coverage remains valid. Failing to address hail damage promptly may result in insurance claims being denied or increased premiums for the community. 6. Preventing Water Damage: Hail damage can compromise the waterproofing and structural integrity of roofs and exterior surfaces. Neglecting this damage can lead to water leaks, mold growth, and more extensive repair issues. 7. Energy Efficiency: Hail-damaged roofs or windows may reduce the energy efficiency of homes within the HOA. This can result in higher energy bills for residents and a decreased overall environmental performance. 8. Community Reputation: An HOA that promptly addresses maintenance issues, including hail damage, fosters a positive reputation within the community. This can contribute to a strong sense of pride and community satisfaction. 9. Insurance Claims: If damage is not addressed in a timely manner, residents may be forced to file individual insurance claims to repair their properties. This can be burdensome for homeowners and lead to higher insurance costs. 10. Resident Well-Being: The comfort and well-being of residents are closely tied to the condition of their homes and common areas. Addressing hail damage promptly ensures that residents can enjoy their living spaces without worry. In summary, addressing hail damage in HOAs is not just a matter of property aesthetics; it's about preserving property values, maintaining safety, fulfilling legal obligations, and creating a thriving and cohesive community. HOAs should take a proactive approach to assess, document, and repair hail damage to ensure the long-term well-being of the community and its residents. Need hail damage assistance? Talk to our project management team or construction and maintenance team today at 952-922-5575. Your HOA is our priority.
Why Fall Walks are Important

Why Fall Walks are Important

Fall walks can play a crucial role in ensuring the maintenance and upkeep of Homeowners Associations (HOAs) in several ways: 1. Routine Inspection: Fall walks provide an opportunity for residents to collectively inspect the common areas and properties. During these walks, participants may notice maintenance issues such as damaged structures, overgrown landscaping, or other issues that require attention. Identifying problems early can prevent them from escalating into more significant and costly repairs. 2. Communication: Fall walks facilitate open communication among HOA members. Residents can discuss maintenance concerns they've noticed during the walks and share them with the HOA board or management. This dialogue ensures that maintenance issues are not overlooked and are addressed promptly. 3. Transparency: HOAs that involve residents in the maintenance process by conducting regular walks demonstrate transparency in their operations. This transparency builds trust within the community, as residents can witness the efforts made to maintain and improve common areas. 4. Prioritizing Maintenance Needs: Fall walks can help the HOA prioritize maintenance needs based on the observations of residents. The insights gained during these walks can inform the allocation of resources and budgets to address the most pressing issues. 5. Proactive Approach: By regularly conducting fall walks, HOAs adopt a proactive approach to maintenance. This can reduce the likelihood of unexpected and costly repairs by identifying problems before they become severe. 6. Sense of Ownership: When residents actively participate in fall walks, they develop a sense of ownership and responsibility for the community's appearance and condition. This sense of ownership encourages residents to take better care of their own properties and contribute to the overall upkeep of common areas. 7. Preventing Neglect: Neglect of common areas and shared facilities can lead to a decline in property values. Fall walks serve as a reminder of the importance of regular maintenance to prevent neglect and preserve property values. 8. Demonstrating Accountability: HOAs that conduct fall walks show that they are accountable for maintaining the community's assets. This accountability reassures residents that their fees and contributions are being put to good use in maintaining and improving the neighborhood. 9. Educational Opportunities: Fall walks can be used as educational opportunities to teach residents about the importance of regular maintenance and how it contributes to the long-term sustainability of the community. 10. Efficient Budgeting: Insights gathered during fall walks can help the HOA board plan and allocate funds more efficiently for maintenance and repairs, ensuring that financial resources are used wisely. In summary, fall walks in HOAs not only provide a platform for residents to enjoy the beauty of the season but also serve as a practical tool to ensure the maintenance and upkeep of the community. By involving residents in the process and fostering open communication, HOAs can enhance the overall quality of life and property values for their members. Have projects you need help with managing? Contact us to be connected with our project management and/or construction and maintenance division! We are here to help your HOA succeed.
Did You Know - Approvals


1 / Association Manager

  1. Perform site inspections, attend board meetings, refer vendors for maintenance and other duties and provide service to the board of directors.

2 / Board of Directors, President 

  1. Chief Executive Officer and leader of the association. Presides at all meetings of the board and membership. Executes legal documents. Sets meeting agendas and controls all meetings. Represents the board before the residents. May have nominating, in not appointment, responsibility for all committees. 

3 / Board of Directors, Vice President

  1. Performs all of the duties of the president in his/her absence. Typically shares some of the burden of the president regarding appearances, liaison, public hearings, etc. Usually assigned liaison responsibility to specific staff or contractors, and to specific committees. 

4 / Board of Directors, Secretary

  1. Prepares and distributes board and membership meeting agendas, minutes, and materials referred to in minutes. Maintains minutes and book on all meetings. Maintains books of resolutions and all official records. Attests, by signature, to the legitimacy of certain documents. 

5 / Board of Directors, Treasurer

  1. Works with appropriate staff to develop and submit the annual operating budget for approval. Maintains adequate records of all association financial transactions and the roster of disbursement of funds, as authorized. Subject to board approval, arranges an independent audit of financial affairs and prepares period financial reports. 

6 / Governing Documents

  1. Articles of Incorporation 

  2. Bylaws

  3. Declarations

  4. Rules and Regulations/Policies and Procedures

  5. Plat Map

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